The Brown Hoisting & Conveying Machine Co.


FirmennameThe Brown Hoisting & Conveying Machine Co.
OrtssitzCleveland (Ohio)
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik
AnmerkungenBietet sich 1898 als "Engineers, designers and manufacturers of complete systems for handling of materials. Coal and ore handling machinery. Machinery for ship building yards für handling frames, structural work plates etc.". Auf einer Werbekarte (eBay) als "The Brown Hoisting Machinery Company" (vmtl. identisch), mit Abb. eines vierachsigen Eisenbahn-Dampfkrans (wrecking crane).
Quellenangaben[Blue Book of Am. Shipping (1897) 409] [Comic history of Cleveland (1902) 146]


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfkrane 1897 [Blue Book of Am. Shipping (1897) 409] 1902 [Comic history of Cleveland (1902) 146] vmtl. auch Antreibe, da "complete systems" angeboten
Hochofen-Beschickungsanlagen 1902 [Comic history of Cleveland (1902) 146] 1902 [Comic history of Cleveland (1902) 146]  
Krane 1897 [Blue Book of Am. Shipping (1897) 409] 1902 [Comic history of Cleveland (1902) 146] Dampf, elektrisch und Handbetrieb; auch für Kohle- und Erzverladung und für Werftbetrieb.
Waggonentlader 1897 [Blue Book of Am. Shipping (1897) 409] 1897 [Blue Book of Am. Shipping (1897) 409] coal car dumping machine


TEXTManufacturers of Special Machinery for Hoisting, Conveying, Storing and Handling Material of all kinds, under the well-known Brownhoist Patents. ORE HANDLING MACHINERY for handling ore from vessels, docks and cars. 90% of the iron ore output on the Great Lakes is handled by machinery of our design and construction. COAL HANDLING MACHINERY for handling coal from vessels, docks and cars. Our Coai, Car Dumping Machine will dump from cars (car load at a time), put into vessels, and trim 5,000 tons of coal in ten hours without breakage. FURNACE HOIST AND STOCK DISTRIBUTOR for the automatic charging of blast furnaces, doing away with top fillers. MACHINERY FOR HANDLING STRUCTURAL WORK, MARINE PLATES, etc., in shipbuilding yards. FLOATING CRANES for ship and navy yards. CRANES OF ALL KINDS, Electric, Steam and Hand Power. THREE MOTOR ELECTRIC TRAVELLERS. ELECTRIC TRANSFER TABLES. OVERHEAD TRAMRAIL AND TROLLEY EQUIPMENTS, ETC. CANTILEVER CRANES (Chicago Drainage Canal Design). These Cranes hold the World's Record for such work as to quantity handled and cost of same. MACHINERY of our design and construction is in use in all the principal lake ports and on the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, by the leading Railroad and Dock Companies, also in all the principal Ship and Navy Yards, and in the chief Iron and Steel Works in the United States. Plants of our design are now in operation and being erected in Russia, Austria, Germany and England. Main Office and Works: Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. EASTERN OFFICE: 26 Cortland St., NEW YORK CITY PITTSBURG OFFICE: Carnegie Building, PITTSBURG, PA. EUROPEAN OFFICE: 39 Victoria St., LONDON, S. W. Cable Address: Brownhoist, Cleveland, New York and London. Telegraphic Address of London Office: Shovelling; London. Codes used: Liebers, ABC, Engineering Telegraph, Al and Directory
QUELLE[Comic history of Cleveland (1902) 146]