Hope Iron Works


FirmennameHope Iron Works
OrtssitzProvidence (R.I.)
StraßeEddy Street
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik und Kesselschmiede
Anmerkungen1869: Büro in der 88 [?] Eddy Street; gibt als Produkte "Steam engines, machinery and castings" an. Firmenleitung (1874): Geo. Chatterton, Präsident; J. Manton, Leiter der Finanzen and Agent; F. S. Manton, Sekretär.
Quellenangaben[Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 159] [Briefkopf (1869) eBay] [Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 389]


Zeit Ereignis
1857 Joseph P. Manton, der Präsent, Vertreter und Betriebsleiter, beginnt in Gesellschaft mit wenigen anderen den Betrieb in einer kleinen Gießerei mit einem Kapital von $20.000.


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfmaschinen 1869 Briefkopf 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: Steam engines
Gußteile 1869 Briefkopf 1869 Briefkopf Vorgabe: Castings
Kessel 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: boilers
Maschinerie 1869 Briefkopf 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: machinery


TEXTAt Providence, Rhode Island, is in several respects one of the most remarkable manufacturing establishments of New England. It is remarkable for the rapidity of its growth, for the admirable system with which it is managed, and for the great variety of novel and excellent Machines that it has produced. In March, 1857, Mr. Joseph P. Manton, the present Agent and Superintendent of the Company, in association with a few others, commenced business in a small foundry, with a capital of twenty thousand dollars, and employed at the beginning about ten men. In ten years the concern has grown and developed until now the Works include Three Machine Shops, a Pattern and Blacksmith's Shop, and Foundry, with an invested capital of over two hundred thousand dollars, and employing two hundred men. This rapid growth is not due to any peculiarly fortunate or adventitious circumstances, but rather to the extraordinary fertility of inventive genius that has been displayed .in supplying acknowledged wants by novel means. One of the subjects that first engaged Mr. Manton's attention, was an improved method of handling Anchors and Chains on ships, which resulted in the invention of what is known as Manton's Patent Windlasses. This has effected a revolution in the methods of taking in and letting go anchors. Instead of having two turns of the chain around the barrel of the windlass, as formerly, requiring the chain to be stopped and fleeted every few fathoms (a tedious process in cold weather, or when the chain is muddy), now the chain is merely laid over a chain gear, and stows itself in the locker below as fast as taken in; while, in letting go the anchor, instead of having to get a range of chain on deck in advance, by the improved method a ship is always ready to anchor without previous arrangement, with any range of chain - saving two thirds the time in each case, besides making life safer, and the vessel less liable to accident or loss. Besides these, Mr. Manton has devoted much time to various improvements for saving manual labor on ship board, and for convenience in loading and discharging ships, an item of great importance for vessels in port when there are no conveniences for handling the cargo. The Windlasses for the "Monitors" engaged during the late war, were built at this establishment. When the late Rebellion broke out, there was a great demand at the various armories for an improved Drop Press, to strike up forgings of parts of the gun, and the Hope Iron Works succeeded in producing the most successful Drop Press that had been invented. Having been thoroughly tested in gun work, and proved its excellence, it has since been adopted in the various shops, where work is struck up in duplicate, such as parts of Sewing Machines, Ploughs, Shovels, Cutlery, Axes, Pickaxes, Kettles, Tools, Harness and Sailmakers' Trimmings, etc. Besides these, the Hope Iron Works are manufacturers of Babcook & Wilcox's Patent Cut-Off for Steam Engines. The peculiarity and advantages of this Cut-Off are as follows : - Steam is introduced into the cylinder at full boiler pressure, and is cut-off by closing the valve suddenly when sufficient steam has been admitted to maintain the engine steadily at a given speed, the governor so acting upon the cut-off valve as to determine the amount of steam required. But, in this engine, a more correct result is attained by a simpler mechanism than has heretofore been used. The valves are operated by a positive motion, dispensing with detachable valve gear, dash pots, cams, etc., and the arrangement is such that the steam may be allowed to follow any portion of the stroke of the piston, a point of great value in an engine with extreme varying resistances, and where a perfect regularity of speed is required. The Engine is fitted with a Regulator or Governor, on an entirely new principle, by which the same speed is maintained under all variations of load or pressure of steam. Careful experiments, made by means of a tachometer, upon one of these Engines, extending over several days, showed but one per cent, maximum variation each side of the regular speed, under greatly varying resistances, and a heavily-loaded Engine can be instantly disconnected from the load without a noticeable variation of speed. The cylinder is encased by a steam jacket having free communication with the boiler, whereby the cylinder is maintained continuously at a high temperature. This is found to effect a great saving in fuel, especially where the steam is expanded many times, and only by the use of the steam jacket can the fullest benefit of expansion be secured. This Engine has a plain slide valve, worked by an eccentric, with a cut-off valve on the back, actuated by a small steam cylinder. The valve gear of this supplemental cylinder is so constructed that the slightest change in the speed of the governor varies the instant at which the cut-off shall close, thus allowing the steam to enter the main cylinder for a longer or shorter period, as the varying resistances may require. All the valves in this Engine are flat slide valves, and they each have a regular throw under all circumstances, thus embodying the most favorable conditions possible for tightness after the wear consequent upon a long use. It can safely be said, that this Engine combines in the highest degree all the improvements in steam-engines at the present day, and works steam expansively with a perfection in regulation of speed that cannot be excelled. In addition to the specialties named, they build the following: - Automatic Bolt or Stud Machine, for milling-up and cutting bolts and studs, which are exact duplicates of each other, for use in steam-engine and locomotive machine shops; Marine Portable and Hoisting Engines and Boilers; Planing Machines; Lathes; Tools; Pumps; Shafting and Gearing; Mill and Rubber Machinery; Marine Railways; and a great variety of miscellaneous machines for various uses. They have a large and efficient corps of mechanical engineers and mechanics, who possess the necessary skill to plan any novelties in mechanics that may be called for, and each Department is under control of a foreman who has had long training and experience in the system observed in the mechanical details. The Officers of the Hope Iron Works are - George Chatterton, President; F. S. Manton, Secretary; and Joseph P. Manton, Agent.
QUELLE[Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 389]