Wright Engine Works, Wm. Wright & Co.

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Wright Engine Works, Wm. Wright & Co.: Briefkopf


FirmennameWright Engine Works, Wm. Wright & Co.
OrtssitzNewburgh (N.Y.)
Art des UnternehmensMaschinenfabrik und Eisengießerei
AnmerkungenPartner: Wm. Wright, J. Wilson Stratton; besonders Chas. Wiley, 15 Astor Place, New York. 1874: This firm are now manufacturers of Wright's Patent Cut-off Steam Engine; wirbt auch 1883 und 1889 dafür. Auch unter der Firma "Wright's Steam Engine Works" [Briefbogen (1883+1889)] (sicher identisch). William Wright aus Rochester (N.Y.) bzw. Providence (R.I.) war der Erfinder einer rotierenden Dampfmaschine und einer Dampfmaschinen-Expansionssteuerung mit entlasteten Ventilen; er arbeitete vorher bei "Woodruff & Beach" (s.d.) in Hartford (Conn.). 1895: Büro in New York, No. 128 Weat 33d Steet.
Quellenangaben[Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 91] [Real estate record, 26.10.1895] [Bowditch: Woodruff and Beach Steam Engine; in: Steam Traction (1992)]
HinweiseBriefbogen (1883) in Hudson River Valley Heritage


Zeit Ereignis
18.11.1873 Patent auf eine Dampfmaschine (lt. Abbildung eine liegende Einzylindermaschine mit ungewöhnlich geschwungenem Bajonettrahmen und senkrechten Schiebern, die durch einen dreiarmigen Pendelhebel von unten angetrieben werden)


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Bronzeguß 1884 Briefbogen (in Hudson River Valley Heritage) 1884 Briefbogen (in Hudson River Valley Heritage) Vorgabe: iron and brass castings
Dampfkessel 1884 Briefbogen (in Hudson River Valley Heritage) 1889 Briefbogen (eBay 2009) Vorgabe: steam boilers
Dampfmaschinen 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1889 Briefbogen von 1889 (eBay 2009) Vorgabe: steam engines. 1883/89: Wright's patent automatic cut-off engines. 1889: Maschine mit Bajonettrahmen (unter dem Kurbeltrieb eigenartig geschwungen), 2 Schieberkästen mit Antrieb von unten
Gußeisen 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1884 Briefbogen (in Hudson River Valley Heritage) Vorgabe: Iron foundry bzw. general foundry work bzw. iron and brass castings
Maschinerie 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: machinery
Mühlen 1884 Briefbogen (in Hudson River Valley Heritage) 1889 Briefbogen (eBay 2009) Vorgaben: mill work


TEXTThe Wright Steam-Engine Works, of Newburg. N. Y., have been reorganized under the laws of this State but without changing the corporate name, and in the process have absorbed the business of the late Dixon Steam-Engine Works, also of Newburg. It is a well-known faot that this is an age of reorganizations and consolidations. There come times when competition, as well as improved appliances, have brought prices down to the loweat basis for plants got together in times of limited competition aud higher prices and when the improvement of maohinery was not so advanced.
Then comes a time when there is a redistribution of the available orders and a consequent necessity of some concerns to seek the sheltering wing of those tbat have kept abreast of the times and are able to hold their own in spite of the unfavorable circumstauces of the hour. The result of this process is the organization of systems for turning out work in particular lines on a large scale with greater effciency and with increased usefulness to the public that buys goods not only made better than they ever were before, but much cheaper in price, and costing, by reason of the better work put into them and the improvements made in the various parts less to operate. For instance, three well-kuown men have in this reorganization come into ownership of the Wright Steam-Engine Works. They are: Mr. James McClenahan, president of the David Stevenson Brewing Company; Mr. Thomas Dimond. proprietor of the Thomas Dimond
Iron Works, and Judge Wm, G. McCrea; all of New York. These gentlemen bring to the aid of the Company a matured busineas ability and can afford it valuable practical advice in any emergency. Their acquisition of the works cannot fail to increase the good name and credit of the company in the eyes of the busineas world, a matter whose importance can hardly be overestimated and is second only in importance to the quality of the goods turned out. In addition to these great advantages, the reputation tbe Wright Steam-Engine Works has for turning out first-class work and its standing as the commercial community, by reason of the names that appear in its directors, it will now have a strong financial backing that will be a further guarantee of its ability to turn out its specialties as perfect as it is possible to make them and on the terms most acceptable to its patrons. The reputation of the Wright steam-engine is such that there is no need to call attention to its merits. There are thousands of them in use, each of which is a standing testimonial to their excellence, ad effective a testimonial that the books of the works show many repeated orders from customers. The buyers of these engines represent nearly every industry that employs steam power for carrying out ita operatious - cable railroads, breweries, iron works, cold storage establishments, carpet manufacturers, printers, biscuit bakers, piano manufacturers, printing press makers, candy mauufacturers, hotels and many others. Mere general assertions, however, do not carry much weight unless backed by something more particular. In this case the more substantial proof will be found in the following list, which is only a partial one, it should be remembered, of companies, firms and individuals who are using Wright steam-engines in New York City. Third Avenue Cable Railroad, Wm. Ebling Brewing Co., Geo. E. Ketcham & Co., J. L. Mott Iron Works, Edward Leissner, Cushman Baking Co., Eastman Co., Warren, Fuller & Co., Ferguson Brothers, D. Stevenson Brewing Co., E. S. Higgins & Co., F. E. James, Henry Gledhill, Unger Building, Nicoll, the tailor, J. J. Little, E. J. Larrabee., N. Y. Biscuit Co., Johnson & Bemis, Henry Meinken, Enoch Morgan, Jacob Doll, Weber Piano Co., Thos. Dimond, E. Hoe & Co., Simon Strauss, L. H. Mace & Co., Oxley, Giddings & Enos, P. R. Weiler. Donaldson Brothers, F. E. Walker &. Son, N. Y. Staats-Zeitung, Evening Post, N. Y. Steam Power Co., George Munro. Norman L. Munro. Charles Craske, F. C. Linde, Huyler's Candy Works, American Flag Co., Excelsior Steam Power Co.. Louis Dejonge & Co.. Robert Mayer & Co., N. Y. and Brooklyn Bridge, Waterbury & Marshall, Coney Island and Brooklyn Electric Railroad, Walther Paper Co., Citizens' Electric Light Co., Brooklyn Municipal Electric Light Co., Brooklyn. - The mention of these names ought to be sufficient to carry conviction to the mind of any one that the steam-engine that they all agree in using is one of great excellence and deserving of the closest examination by those who are contemplating the putting in of steam plants into their buildings. Notwithstanding all this the owners of the works say that the engine as it will now be built, under the superior arrangements made for their mauufacture under the plan of reorganization, will be built with interchangeable parts and the workmanship will be of the best. The company have eight acres of land on the river front at Newburg, on which have been erected new shops, fitted with the latest and most improved tools,
electric cranes, and, in short, everything to so systematize and perfect work, not only to save cost of production, but alao to insure perfect fits and interchangeable parts. This enlargement aud perfection of the plant will naturally assist the production and delivery of the engines to customers at very low prices. The arrangements which brought to tbe Wright Steam-Engine Works the business of the Dixon Steam-Engine Works, was made with Mr. Charles A. Dixon of the last-mentioned works, and includes the purchase from him of all his patents, drawings and patterns. The
Wright Steam-Engine Works can therefore and are now prepared to furnish tbe Corliss Eugine with the Dixon Improved Corliss Engine, both simple and compound, of any size. The Dixon engine is considered the best designed and proportioned of all the Corliss engines Mr. Dixon has built many engines which can be seen in operation, and their merits tested by the work they do and results obtained from them. The most prominent example of his work in this locality is, perhaps, the four large compound engines now running at Long Island City, generating electricity under the multipolar system to drive the Steinway Electric Railroad. There are a number of others running in New York and Brooklyn, the companies, firms and individuals so using them, are as follows: Steinway Electric Railroad Co., Girard Hotel, Butterrick Publishing House, Kieley Building, Thomas Convill. brewery, James Gillies & Sons, Ravenswood, L.I.; Feeny & Devanny, Hardman & Peck pianos, Henry Korn, Jacob Leonhardt, All the Corliss engines and
Dixon Improved Corliss engines turned out by the Wright Steam-Engine Works will he built under the personal supervision of Mr, Dixon. so that the change of the manufacturer will increase the quality of the work, because uot only will they be made under the same guidance as heretofore, but they will receive all the many advantages that such work can receive from being handled by improved plant and appliances. This will no doubt increase their claims to public attention and their efficiency in operation besides. The extensive works at Newburg, besides the special lines previously referred to, are now prepared as before to furnish shafting hangers, pulleys of all sizes and weights, piping and, in short, all mechanical work. The foundry is especially fitted for heavy castings, loam work being the specialty of tbe works in this line. Now, as the Wright Steam-Engine Works are prepared to do business at the lowest possible eost consistent with good workmanship and material, they are soliciting the pleasure of making estimates on steam plants as well as upon the other articles they supply, believing that with tbeir enlarged plant, force and appliances and with increased financial credit they can turn these out promptly as to time and satisfactorily as to cost and as to other necessary particulars.

QUELLE[Real estate record, 26.10.1895]