Harlan & Hollingsworth Co.


FirmennameHarlan & Hollingsworth Co.
OrtssitzWilmington (Delaware)
StraßeJustison Street
Art des UnternehmensSchiffswerft und Maschinenfabrik
Anmerkungen1849 aus "Petts & Pusey" (s.d.) entstanden. 1874: Arbeitet sehr intensiv. Lage: Justison Street und Water Street (Südost-Ecke; Delaware River). Seit 1902 an "Bethlehem Steel Co.". Die Dampfanlage (darunter zwei Lokomobilkessel) ist in vier Kessel- bzw. Maschinenhäusern (2x für die Maschinenfabrik, 1x für Hobel-, 1x für Sägewerk.
Quellenangaben[Lloyd's register of ships] [Wiley: American iron trade manual (1874) 5] [Doerrfield: The Delaware Ship and Boat Building Industry (1994)]
Hinweise[Hexamer General Surveys, Plates 400+401+590+591+779-780+1577-1578 (1870+1872+1874+1881)]


Zeit Ereignis
1849 Die Firma entsteht aus der 1836 zum Bau von Eisenbahnwagen gegründeten Firma "Betts & Pusey" (Water & West Streets)
1849 "Betts & Pusey" wird in "Harlan & Hollingsworth" umbenannt, nachdem sich Mahlon Betts zurückgezogen 1849 hat.
1850 Erbaut
1902 Ãœbernahme durch die "Bethlehem Steel. Co." als "Harlan Plant"


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
allgemeiner Maschinenbau 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] Vorgabe: Machinery
Dampfkessel   [Hexamer]      
Güterwaggons 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] 1874 [Wiley: American iron trade (1874)] [Wiley]: Vorgabe: Cars
Schiffe 1844 1. Vertragsbaschluß 1912 letztes bekanntes Jahr http://dspace.udel.edu:8080 nennt 1. Auftrag für 1844, obwohl "Harlan & Hollingsworth" erst 1849 entstanden

Betriebene Dampfmaschinen

Bezeichnung Bauzeit Hersteller
Dampfmaschinen vor 1872 unbekannt
Dampfmaschinen vor 1881 unbekannt
Dampfmaschine vor 1881 unbekannt

Maschinelle Ausstattung

Zeit Objekt Anz. Betriebsteil Hersteller Kennwert Wert [...] Beschreibung Verwendung
1870 Dampfkessel 5   unbekannt          
1870 Dampfmaschinen 4   unbekannt          
1872 Dampfkessel 4   unbekannt          
1874 Dampfkessel 5   unbekannt          
1881 Dampfkessel 5   unbekannt          


Zeit gesamt Arbeiter Angest. Lehrl. Kommentar
1872 900        
1874 1000        
1881 1450       50 Jungen, Rest Männer; ca. 600 Holzarbeiter


TEXT1. Specifications. The first step in building a ship is the determination of specifications for the
ship including vessel type, dimensions and a contract price.
2. Half model. The second step is the making of a half-model from which all of the construction
drawings and patterns will be made: "Out of this block [of wood] the designer shapes a model of
one-half of the hull of the ship. He gives this block the exact shape the future ship is to assume
when seen from the side.. Only half a model is made as the two sides of the ship will be simply
duplicates of the model."
3. Pattern shop or loft. From the model wooden patterns are made in the pattern shop or loft..
Since patterns are made the actual size of the ship, the pattern shop must be in building as long
and wide as the largest ship the yard can handle is long and deep: "The great hall of the pattern
shop fragrant with new wood, light and airy with numerous windows. The men stooping and
kneeling on the wide smooth floor, and mapping out great semicircles and curves of the projected
4. Smithing shed. The next step is the making of structural parts of the ship such as its ribs
from the patterns in the smithing shed. This is an open building with a perforated iron floor. The
wooden patterns are outlined on the metal floor in chalk and iron spikes are dropped in holes that
correspond with the chalk lines. The wooden patterns are removed and long angle irons are
heated white in furnaces in the shed . Men with tongs lay the soft and glowing angle bars against
the curving row of spikes and push them and pull them into the required shape. Flat plate is also
bent and shaped in the smithing shed. Parts are also punched with rivet holes and
subassemblies of the ship built. This was called the "Steel Mill" which was the 'place in which
steel frames and plates which constitute the hull of the ship are cut to size, bent to the desired
shape, and otherwise prepared for erection. ... It properly includes the milling, shaping and
assembling of parts in sections for erecting upon a ship."
5. Machine shop. The machine shop is where the steam engines are built: "Standing grim and black on the floor are the steam cylinders, great hollow barrels mounted on enormous iron legs--a
huge unwieldy construction that seems impossible ever to lift into a ship..'go Many ship yards had
both machine shops and boiler shops.. Harlan & Hollingsworth, for example, was a major supplier
of boilers for other shipbuilders on the Delaware River.
6. Foundries. Foundries are where metal castings are made. Although many ship yards
ordered their iron and steel castings, such as anchors, capstans, propellers and the like, from
outside foundries, nearly all ship yards maintained brass foundries to cast the specialized high
pressure valves and pipefittings needed.
9.. Boiler or power house. The machines in late nineteenth century manufacturing were
driven by belts and pulleys from a single power house which contained a large steam engine..
10. Ways and dry docks. As with wooden boats, this is where the ships are assembled along
the river front.
11. Wharfs. Along the Delaware River, much of the raw material for ship building, such as iron
plate, was delivered to the ship yard by ships.. Wharfs acted as the receiving areas for much of that
12. Marine railroad. Ship yards possessed internal railroads for moving the heavy iron and
steel plates, bars, and manufactured parts and subassemblies from place to place.
QUELLE[The American Clyde, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, April 1878, S. 643; in: [Doerrfield: The Delaware Ship and Boat Building Industry (1994)]