St. Louis Iron and Machine Works


FirmennameSt. Louis Iron and Machine Works
OrtssitzSaint Louis (Missouri)
Art des UnternehmensEisenwerk und Maschinenfabrik
AnmerkungenVmtl. bis 1875 unter der Firma "G. H. Timmerman & Co.". In [] sind Rechnungsbücher von 1879-1881 sowie Briefe von 1896-1898 nachgewiesen. Lage 1892: Chouteau Avenue, Main und Second Streets (im ganzen von diesen Straßen begrenzten Bereich).
Quellenangaben[VDI (1896) 1183] [Power Magazine (1897) Anzeige] [Age of Steel (1892) Anzeige] [Pen and sunlight sketches of Saint Louis (1892) 200]


Zeit Ereignis
1844 G. H. Timmerman lebt seither in St. Louis.
1856 Gründung unter der Firma "G. H. Timmerman & Co."
1875 Eintragung mit einem eingezahlten Kapital von $200.000


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfkessel 1904 für Illinois Brewing Co., Socorro 1904 für Illinois Brewing Co., Socorro  
Dampfmaschinen 1892 [Age of Steel (1892) Anzeige] 1897 [Power Magazine (1897) Anzeige] 1892 und 1897: Einzylinder-Corliss mit seitlich offener Kreuzkopfführung und Watt'schem Regler. 1895: Corliss-Masch. für Union Depot Rr.
Maschinen 1892 [Pen and sunlight ... St. Louis] 1895 [VDI (1896) 1183] 1892: heavy machinery
Schiffsdampfmaschinen 1892 [Pen and sunlight ... St. Louis] 1892 [Pen and sunlight ... St. Louis] Vorgabe: steamboat engines


TEXTThe St. Louis Iron and Machine Works have achieved a national reputation in the construction of heavy machinery, steam engines and castings generally. The business was established in 1856 by Messrs. G. H. Timmerman & Co. In 1875 the important interests involved were incorporated, under the existing name and style, with a paid-up capital of 200,000. The officers are as follows: Mr. G. H. Timmerman, president; Mr. H. Krutzsch, vice-president and manager, and Mr. J. H. Timmerman, secretary and treasurer. The works occupy a desirable location on Chouteau avenue, Main and Second streets, covering an entire square. Here have been specially erected substantial one, two and three-story brick buildings. The foundry is considered the most completely fitted up of any in the West, and the machine shop has all the latest type of machine tools and appliances, powerful travelers, lathes, planers, boring and milling machines, steam hammers, etc. The plant is so admirably located that all materials can be handled direct from the railroad tracks. The company has constructed the finest Corliss engines and steamboat engines ever made. The concern has also achieved an enviable reputation for its cotton compresses, plate glass machinery, hoisting travelers, mining machinery, dry press brick machinery, especially their patented machine, the "Lion," all designed and constructed upon improved methods. Upwards of 175 hands are employed and a business of some 2,000,000 annually is transacted. Mr. G. H. Timmerman has been a resident of St. Louis since 1844 and Mr. Krutzsch since 1871, and both are business men of standing in the community, and are looked upon as leaders in their line of business.
QUELLE[Pen and sunlight sketches of Saint Louis (1892) 200]