Southwark Foundry & Machine Co.


FirmennameSouthwark Foundry & Machine Co.
OrtssitzPhiladelphia (Penns.)
StraßeWashington Avenue 430
Art des UnternehmensEisengießerei und Maschinenfabrik
AnmerkungenVorher: "Merrick & Sons" (s.d.); J. Vaughan und William H. Merrick sowie Johne E. Cope sind um 1867/68 die Eigentümer. Präsident (1883): N. Parker Shortridge. 1896: Büro und Werke: Washington Avenue und Fifth Street; nimmt den ganzen Block zwischen diesen und Federal Street bzw. Fourth Street ein, Fläche: 5 acre; besteht aus Maschinenwerkstätten (65.500 square feet), Montagewerkstätten (Hauptwerkstatt: 76x253 Fuß), Kesselschmiede (107x190 Fuß, mit hydraulischen Nietmaschinen), Schmiede, Eisengießereien (40.250 square feet) und Messinggießereien, Modellwerkstatt und Modelllager. Vergl. "Henry G. Morris". Lt. undatierte Anzeige: W. H. Merrick, Präsident und Finanzleiter; C. T. Porter, Vizepräsident; G. A. Bostwick, Sekretär; C. R. Richards, Betriebsleiter. Wirbt für die Herstellung der "Porter Allen High Speed Engine" (deren Bau ab 1880). 1886: Büro (s.d.) in New York, Astor House, Broadway.
Quellenangaben[General catalogue (1896)]; undatierte Anzeige (Internet) [Power Magazine (1897) Anzeige] [Matschoß II (1908) 198] [Philadelphia and its manufactures (1867) 340]
HinweiseWohl umfangreicher Archivbestand in der "Smithsonian Institution" als: Baldwin Southwark Corporation Records, circa 1868-1945 (11,3 m³)


Zeit Ereignis
1836 Gründung
1836 Beginn als reine Gießerei
1865 Bau der ersten Gebäude
1880 Übernahme der Ausführungsrechte für die Porter-Allen-Dampfmaschine durch die "Southwark Foundry" in Philadelphia. Sie wurde vorher bei den "Hewes & Phillips Iron Works" in Newark und bis ca. 1873 im eigenen Werk von Porter-Allen in Harlem (New York) gebaut.
1881 Umwandlung aus "Merrick & Sons"
1930 Ãœbernahme durch die "Baldwin Locomotive Works" und Umwandlung in "Baldwin Southwark Corporation", eine Tochterfirma


Produkt ab Bem. bis Bem. Kommentar
Dampfhämmer 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] Modelle nach Nasmith und Davy; ferner "Dead-Stroke Power Hammer"
Dampfkessel 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] 1896 [General catalogue (1896)] Spezialität 1896: horizontale Röhrenkessel, Schiffskessel für hohe Drücke, Tanks
Dampfmaschinen 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] 1897 [Power Magazine (1897) Anzeige] 1868: hor., Balancier, oszillierend, HD u. ND; William White's Expansionsmaschinen. Undatierte Anzeige: "having largely increased its facilities and is now prepared to fill all orders for the Porter-Allen Engine on contract time". 1897: Porter-Allen automatic engine; 1896: Porter-Allen ab 45 PS als führende Spezialität.
Dampfpumpen 1896 [General catalogue (1896)] 1896 [General catalogue (1896)]  
Dampfpumpen 1896 [General catalogue (1896)] 1896 [General catalogue (1896)]  
Dieselmotoren 1915 [Southwark-Harris valve loss engine] 1915 [Southwark-Harris valve loss engine]  
Eisenbahnwagen 1925 nur für 1925 bekannt 1925 nur für 1925 bekannt  
Gasbehälter 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] "gasometers"
Gebläsemaschinen 1896 [General catalogue (1896)] 1896 [General catalogue (1896)]  
Gußeisen 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] 1888 im Henry-Ford-Museum (um 1888)  
Retorten 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] "retorts and gas machinery"
Schiffsdampfmaschinen 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] auch oszillierende
Tanks 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures]  
Zentrifugalpumpen 1896 [General catalogue (1896)] 1896 [General catalogue (1896)]  
Zucker-Kochapparate 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures] Einziger Hersteller in den USA nach dem Patent von N. Rillieux
Zuckermühlen 1847 1867: 20 Jahre Erfahrung in Zuckermaschinen 1867 [Philadelphia ... manufactures]  

Betriebene Dampfmaschinen

Bezeichnung Bauzeit Hersteller
Dampfmaschine 1881 Southwark Foundry & Machine Co.
Dampfmaschine vor 1883 unbekannt
Dampfmaschinen vor 1883 unbekannt

Maschinelle Ausstattung

Zeit Objekt Anz. Betriebsteil Hersteller Kennwert Wert [...] Beschreibung Verwendung
1883 Dampfkessel 3   unbekannt          


Zeit gesamt Arbeiter Angest. Lehrl. Kommentar
1883 400       3-4 Jungen, Rest Männer

Firmen-Änderungen, Zusammenschüsse, Teilungen, Beteiligungen

Zeit = 1: Zeitpunkt unbekannt

Zeit Bezug Abfolge andere Firma Kommentar
1881 Umbenennung zuvor Merrick & Sons, Southwark Foundry  


TEXTThis is another of the remarkable machine establishments of Philadelphia. It was started in 1836 as a foundry for castings only, but was eoon enlarged, and now the entire space occupied by buildings is 63.650 feet, with a yard-room of 80.550, making the entire space occupied by the establishment 144.200 square feet. In addition, it has a tract of land on the Delaware River, about 400 feet front and 1.100 feet deep, affording ample space for extensive iron boat yards; and on this tract there is a fine pier, 60 feet wide and 250 feet long, with a very powerful shears at the end, capable of lifting fifty tons. A brief description of some of the objects of interest in this establishment will show that the arrangements, tools, and appliances in use, are on a scale proportionate to the capaciousness of the buildings. The foundry has two Cranes, capable of lifting fifty tons each, and three others of thirty tons lifting power, by which any object may be transferred from one extremity to the other, or to any point on the floor. Two fifty-inch Cupolas are used for melting the iron, and are supplied by a pair of Blast Cylinders forty inches in diameter, and three-feet stroke. Twenty-five tons of metal can be melted in three hours. The Ovens for drying the Cores are of immense size and capacity. In the Smith Shop, the blast is obtained by an Alden Fan. There are two Nasmyth Steam Hammers, one of ten hundred-weight and one of five hundred-weight of ram. There are also in this shop Bolt and Rivet Machines, for the manufacture of these articles, large numbers of which are annually used. The Brass Foundry has a Cupola and four Crucible Furnaces. The lower Machine shop has a Boring Mill which will bore a cylinder eleven feet in diameter, and fourteen feet high; a Planing Machine, believed to be the largest in the world, capable of planing eight feet wide, fifteen feet deep, and thirty feet long, besides other lathes and planers, of various dimensions and power; two Blotters, Drill Presses, etc., etc. The upper Machine Shop is well stocked with Smaller Lathes, Planers, Shaping and Drilling Machines, Vices, etc. The Boiler Shop is provided with a Riveting Machine capable of riveting a boiler forty feet long, and of any diameter; with a Treble Punching Machine of immense strength; with heavy and light Shears and Punches; an Air Furnace, for heating large plates; Rolls, for bending; Cranes, etc. The largest Erecting Shed, used for putting up sugar apparatus, has a traveling Crane extending its whole length. The business of making Sugar Apparatus forms a large item in the productions of this establishment; and for a list of "some of the extraordinary machines that have been constructed here, we must refer the reader to the work on Philadelphia and its Manufactures, to which we are principally indebted for these facts. Ordinarily, from three hundred and fifty to five hundred hands receive constant employment at these works.
QUELLE[Bishop: History of American manufacturers 3 (1868) 27]